Tuesday, May 5, 2020


So, who sees beyond the "present" and the "past"? These are people who have an insane passion for their ideas. They live on this idea in such a way that they become unstoppable! They are among those who can see the big picture clearly when most others can’t look through the haze. This breed of people is called "Entrepreneurs". They bring the resilience to picture until their vision turns into reality!
I got the idea of this blog through a book written by Mark Suster named   "Both sides of the table: Are you ready to learn and earn?" One of the fantastic books written on entrepreneurship.

So, the next question is "What makes a good entrepreneur?"
1.Adapting & Inventing:

A good entrepreneur is a continuous learner who adapts understands and innovates to set new benchmarks! Someone who understands that learning and earning are the two sides of the coin called success. An individual who is a combination of three things-Perseverance, Vision, and Resilience! The entrepreneur has a constant push for him to be out of his comfort zone, to evolve & network! Jeff Bezos can be cited as the best example of innovation. Amazon began with books, and today it sells a ridiculous number of things at best prices. How did it become possible? Adaptation and Innovation is the answer.
"One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out" - Jeff Bezos

2.Passion to the point of Obsession:

We have heard many times that an entrepreneur needs to be passionate. To him idea feels tangibly real this means having confidence and capability to articulate the vision into reality. Visualize the impact on a larger canvas! Believe in yourself, however cliché it may sound, it holds right for the world of entrepreneurship. Imagine if Larry Page had listened to naysayers, we probably wouldn't have Google today! Sounds scary right?

 3.The sacrifice:

Very few talks about sacrificing but this is something universe demands when you think of accomplishing your dreams. The entrepreneurial path is anything but easy. He has to face tough decisions and communicate them convincingly. Work-Life Balance is still a vague concept when it comes to entrepreneurship. It is the commitment towards work that will help one to take the hardest decisions of their life, which strengthens to fight against any adversity. The mental strength which will make one keep going and maintain a "can-do" attitude. Bill Gates in his early years of Microsoft gave up on terms called "vacation" and "weekends" to reach where he is now!

4. The power of learning:

An entrepreneur doesn't have a guide book! He has to pave his own path to inspire a team to follow him and continuously keep achieving the milestones. It's about continuous adaptability and improvement which enables him to adapt to the dynamic environment. Even Elon Musk constantly questions himself and looks for ways to do things better.

5.The value of Rejection:

The faster an Entrepreneur learns to deal with rejection, the better. He has to review the lessons of rejection, make improvements, and move on. The perfect example is Jack Ma the founder of Ali Baba was rejected for 30 different jobs. Had he been selected world would have never got a legendary entrepreneur like him!
It is important for one and all of us to understand this key lesson if we aspire to be the next successful entrepreneurs like the examples cited above. It's about never giving up and continuous learning from every aspect of a business, rightly said by Paulo Coelho,
"When you truly want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

Thank You,
Shivani Jambaulikar,
IBS Mumbai

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