Thursday, May 7, 2020

Necessity is the mother of innovation

This saying got hit to the Mr. Amit Agarwal
Since our honorable Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi declared nationwide lockdown and due to this many industries grounded and among them, agriculture hit so hard.
In the first phase of the lockdown, the most prominent impact was felt in the food supply and on essential things. Due to closure of all APMC market (mandi) farmers find very difficult to sell their harvested crops to the people, for them a Delhi based start-up AGRIBAZAR come as their savior.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


So, who sees beyond the "present" and the "past"? These are people who have an insane passion for their ideas. They live on this idea in such a way that they become unstoppable! They are among those who can see the big picture clearly when most others can’t look through the haze. This breed of people is called "Entrepreneurs". They bring the resilience to picture until their vision turns into reality!
I got the idea of this blog through a book written by Mark Suster named   "Both sides of the table: Are you ready to learn and earn?" One of the fantastic books written on entrepreneurship.

So, the next question is "What makes a good entrepreneur?"

Hold your crown up with PRIDE

Stonewall Inn, a GAY club in Greenwich Village New York City beholds many love tales. Where we as a normal human beings were feeling sickene...