Thursday, April 2, 2020

Lead your business through the COVID-19 crisis

The COVID-19 outbreak is first and foremost a human tragedy, affecting hundreds and thousands of people. It is also having a growing impact on the global economy. This article is intended to provide business leaders with a perspective on the evolving situation, implications, and breakthroughs for their business.

As coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, it is also becoming incredibly disruptive for businesses everywhere. From defining your business continuity plan to an employee’s wellbeing, all is at stake now. It rests on your shoulders to provide all the answers your employees and customers are expecting.

As there is a saying, “the sooner, the better”, create a strategy before this pandemic hits your business. Through this article, here are some of my suggestions to help you build an action plan for the day after and for ongoing months to maintain your business continuity.

Every execution plan needs a strong team. Start by designating a task-force that will be responsible for dealing with the problems. Your team should have complete 360-degree knowledge of the business, so it’s best to include representatives from all units and departments: Marketing, Sales, Product, HR, Operations, and any other as you see fit.

Keep your customers informed and under control. Don’t just let them get information from the news. You must take control and lead the narrative. They will appreciate being informed and knowing you are on top of things.
Make sure your task-force is prepared to answer questions being thrown at them by the worried customers. Keep conducting meetings and interactions with your employees as well as clients.

This can be done through various online channels such as Skype. You can additionally send newsletters to your customer’s in order to keep them informed more often on the company’s status during pandemic coronavirus. Add whatever information is necessary to show your customers that everything is on track and your business is on top of things.
Also, be prepared to address your team’s questions, to provide clarity and keep ongoing contact. Provide them with some benefits and during flexible work hours in order to keep them focused and motivated.

To maintain your present customers, it is important to keep your website frequently updated with upcoming tasks and policies so that customers get insight and stay intact with you. Also, provide them with solutions and updates for this pandemic so that they feel your care and a sense of belonging.
I hope during this wide-spreading crisis, considering these suggestions can assist you to safeguard your business and survive through it keeping your customers and task force intact beside maintaining an honest relationship.

Thank You,
Naman Gandhi,
IBS Mumbai

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